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Saturday, July 31
Overseas trips = prostitution?!?!

Boy oh boy! You really don't know how close to right you probably are. I can't say for sure who's knob she was slobbin' on during her infamous rolling around on dirty club floors and falling off of stripper poles, but I CAN tell you that she certainly becomes pretty interested in some money for some sucky sucky. Rotty, HOW do you KNOW this? Well you see, a little birdie has been sending me emails and you don't know HOW HARD it has been to keep it a secret. And I know, I haven't REALLY kept it a secret. I've hinted at it to torture all of you guys. I know, I know ... I'm a mean motherfucker!
I really don't have to say too much. In my opinion, this says a lot ... it once again proves that I'm right Tila. I wonder if the guys know that you're giving them something they can't wash off? Anything for a buck, right whore? We're onto you ;) Too bad Van Der Sloot didn't entice you with one of his big modeling contracts before he got busted killin' girls.
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This is awesome...
I love the math...2 hrs, the twat charges 25,000 and for 2 days she only doubles it? What about making it 100 grand?
Anyway...great writing and I am glad you all are back!!
Now that's a real BAM POW, shove that up your loose, disease ridden arse, Tila Teabagger.
Stupid cunt, the jig is up HAHAHAHAHAHAHA...
but the funniest fact of this is that even when she's sucking and taking cock like the gutterslut she is, she still couldn't afford a lambo or a mansion.
She usually gets $25k for a 2 hour 'club' appearance?, bitch please (and by bitch, I mean Tila). Unless that is her hooking rate.
Now I have to go read her tweets from this time period, for more lulz!
Happy Anniversary! I am so glad you are back!
ROFL. I missed the Van Der Sloot part of the post!
Good stuff!
I guess I'm a bit bewildered by why anyone would want to spend any time with that diseased sewer slug. I mean, Japan is full of chicks who will do anything you want. Anything. I guess this guy must have an fetish for vaginal acid burning his dick alive.
Wait, didn't she miss a flight and end up in NY for a day? I wasn't really following her, because Rot Spot was down. Did she get paid for 24 hours in NY by that Japanese businessman? Hmmmm....
Oh hell yea...the skank has been outed.
This is strictly my opinion but I'm taking what I just read as Tila is really a high priced call girl and the cat wailing at all these different bars is just her sideline business for pocket money. LMAO.
If she is going to be servicing a top executive for 2 days then her pimp, er, people should ask for a higher money amount.
Skank won't have too much left after everybody who set up the deal get their cut.
I wonder if her booking agency or Mr. Bradshaw is part of this?
Good freaking job TRS.
If her people charged the dude $50,000 for two nights think about all the degenerate acts she had to perform and you know the dude had his business partners there plus other women.
I bet it was some sick shit going on those two nights.
My O face, let me show you it.
Does he really think Tila will respect a confindentiality agreement? I can see her tweeting the guys names and posting twitpics while shes getting it from both sides. Well now we know where she gets her money cause its definantly not from talent.
Oh. My. God. Best post ever.
So simple, yet so destructive. Has Thien Thanh read this yet? I'll bet she is FUMING.
To sit on this for so long was amazing. The little birdie needs an congressional medal of honor for sending that. Oh-ho-ho-ho no wonder she scored a spread for the Daily Sport and uses her "gossip" site to post nudie pics and stripping videos. That is how a ho advertises, drumming up business. I wonder oh I wonder if we can't find some of her overseas advertising. You guys brought it to a whole nother level.
My favourite part of the e-mail change is how the sender alternates personalities, between Tila's "representative" and Tila herself.
Being paid to "spend time" with people, including "overnight stays" is called escorting, Tila, which is really only a fancy word for prostitution. Is that how you're being an empowered mogul or an angel of God or a quantum physics student whatever you're claiming to be this week?
Where there is smoke, there is fire. She must be sitting at her PC grinding her teeth thrying to figure a way out of this one.
GOOD JOB, and thank god you are back!!!
Brav-fucking-o, Rotspot!
Anyone who charges $25K for a two hour club appearance doesn't need to writhe around on the floor and steal tips from the working strippers like Tila did. Broke ass liar.
O-H- M-Y- G-O-D that lil whore! & if she makes 25k for only 2 hours why the HELL did she ask for only 50K! Wow, a prostitute and a cheap one at that, AMAZING!!! YOU GUYS TRULY ARE THE BEST!!!!!! GOD I LOVE THIS BLOG!!!!!!!!!! *Rushing to read the other new post*
Damn, she really sucks at math. She only doubled her starting rate for a 48 hour "performance" *gigglesnort*. Damn, whoever her madame or pimp is, that person is making tons of cash off of her.
In the words of the great Wayne Brady, "Is Wayne Brady gonna have to choke a bitch?"
Quite a few playmates have gone this route once they realized their only talent is taking off their clothes, doesn't surprise me that Tila does the same. Nice to finally see proof of it.
I wonder if she'll address this saying "he's just paying me to hang out with him, not for sex"
Welcome back Rotspot
No way in hell does she make that kind of money. I also believe that email is a hoax on her. But I do believe that she does sell herself for far less than her "rep" says. A whore is a whore is a whore be it a $5.00 whore or a $50,000. whore. Of course the more expensive whore is a lot "classier" than the cheaper whore. Personally, I think TT belongs in the $5.00 range.
Yay! Welcome back!! Happy 6 Months Anniversary!
Haha! I'm laughing so hard because this man's assistant talks about privacy and complete discretion being the biggest priority and here the emails are ..posted on the RotSpot!! I'm amazed at the info you guys are able to obtain here at TRS!!
Well ..I guess we know now where Tila's getting the money for that Lamborghini! lulz The bitch will probably fake another pregnancy just so she can blackmail some hush money from this wealthy "married" businessman from Japan. She has to pay for her "Lambo" and "TilaArmy Mansion" somehow ..right??
Will a $50K Japan "Tour" be next for the little Whorgol??
God she's so disgusting..
OHHHH hurrdurrrrrr I want your sexy body, but why do you cause me such butt-hurt... ooohhhh the pain. Japan isn't "full of chicks who will do anything you want"... (no, really..!!) although they DO have their own share of $%$#%@#%@ SLUT/WHORES .... and trannys GAAHHAHAHAHAA!!
But seriously, Tila is most likely going to say that the Rep that answered those emails was probably going to get fired and this was their revenge or something around those lines. God I hate that whore....