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Thursday, July 22

OMG, I knew it. Tila will not be doing any traveling to Florence or any other country now that her UK Neighborhood Tour is over.
Tila left an audio message on her Flog that says because of Europe being on 'holiday' all flights out of London are canceled. No flights to Florence, no flights to Amsterdam, no flights anywhere until tomorrow morning. She claims several times its because Europe is on holiday. She also claims she and 9Head have to rent a hotel room (with double doors to get both those ginourmous melons on their shoulders into the room) for another night because of it. Ummm. No Tila, that is not true. There are flights coming in and out of countries all over Europe today, even in Italy, where there is a transportation strike.
Go to orbitz.com, look up a flight leaving any city or country in Europe and then track it on flightstats.com:
For example, British Airways flight 175 left Heathrow today at 4:05 pm, arriving at LAX at 7:05 pm. It is currently enroute as we speak according to this site, though it's delayed 40 minutes:
Alitalia Airlines 205 left Heathrow at 6:00 am today and arrived in Florence at 10:29 am, almost an hour late. Or she could have taken a flight from Heathrow into Milan and then Florence. It's all there. Tons of flights in and out of Europe.
How do I know all this? Well, my kids were in Italy for the last couple of weeks and I just picked them up at the airport. Granted their flight from Venice to Philadelphia was late by 3 hours because US Airways wouldn't fly out of Italy in support of the strike, they did get another airline to fly them to the US. That meant they missed their connecting flight home and had to stay overnight in Phily, but they just got home and no other problems were encountered. And, because it was US Airways fault, the kids were put up in a nice hotel WITHOUT CHARGE and were given meal vouchers for dinner and breakfast. They didn't have to 'rent another hotel room' because if a cheap ass airline like US Airways (yeah we're not multimillion dollar moguls) paid out when it was their fault, then I'm sure British Airways would do the same.
So, that leads me to believe that Tila missed her flight AGAIN and couldn't find a return flight because they were all booked. And Tila had no intention of going to Florence anyway, like she claimed earlier in the week, because she's been tweeting about coming home to LA. Coincidentally when she made her Florence announcement, I had just got off the phone with my kids as they had just arrived in Florence that morning. I was so hoping they could have stayed another day or two so they could have pointed and laughed at the fail mogul---the fogul, if you will. Alas, my kids are too polite and raised too well to intentionally hurt someone. I just have to hope someday, a little bit of me rubs off on them if they ever run in to Tila.
In closing Tila warns that if you're ever flying out of Heathrow to get there a day in advance so if you 'miss your flight' you won't end up like Tom Hanks in that movie Airport. Yeah, Tila, blame the airline because they don't find you important enough to accommodate your tardy ass. It seemed when she started her audioblog, that it was a holiday which prevented flights from being scheduled, now she says something about missing a flight? Which is it? I trust you Rotspotters can figure out the truth between the lies.
What I have to laugh about is that Fatty's children, of which she has, who are not confident women, moguls, CEO's of #1 flogs, or skanks, were able to get flights out of Europe AND when they missed their connecting flights, were provided a beautiful room in a 4-star hotel, and dinner and breakfast at no charge, and Tila, who is well-loved and well-known all over the UK can't get a flight home and has to bunk with 9Head. Hope they have King size mattresses over there, otherwise those huge heads of which they have will be hanging over the side of the bed. Maybe Tila should have worn her Big Mogul Underpants©
Tila just posted this flog entry, which confirms she did miss her flight to LOS ANGELES, NOT FLORENCE. Hmmmm. What happened to her traveling from London to Florence? We knew that was a big lie, but of course the Tila Army of Morons and Halfwits, didn't believe us.

And, again she's lying. Go to orbitz.com and you'll find plenty of flights leaving Heathrow to LA tomorrow. Tila's travel agent of which she has should be fired.

UPDATE: 11:40 pm July 22, 2010 Pacific Time
Tila has removed the blog post I pasted above. I can only imagine the comments she got from that as fans and jelis haters alike flooded her comments with tons and tons of available flights. I guess when Heathrow went on 'vacation' they forgot about all the folks who reserved this date when they originally purchased their tickets.
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I am an affiliate with Orbitz and I'd help the hogul out but she done goofed.
Hey girls keep up the good work! You're right we all knew she would never go to Florence.
By the way just a teeny tiny correction. You talked about the movie Tom Hanks is in it was actually called "The Terminal" :) not Airport.
I have never had any problems getting a flight out of the UK even when I have been a few minutes late. (which was not my fault). I do what most people do, get to international flights check in, etc, on time.
There is no holiday today or tomorrow in the UK. The only thing loosely related to that is that school children have finished for the summer this week, even so, I can't imagine that a high percentage of them will be jetting off to LA as soon as school finishes.
Earlier on today, I had a quick look at some cheapo budget flights availability to LA tomorrow and it was my understanding, from them, that seats to LA are available tomorrow.
So all is not what it seems, as per usual with the hogul.
Long delays, Being hurtled through the sky at 400mph in a metal cylinder surrounded by gallons of flammable liquid, in a cramped area, breathing low-oxygen, re circulated air and Titty Tequila screeching and whining all the way. Pity the good people on THAT flight.
Now she won the friggin lottery and two tickets to Turkey or some shit..When does the nonsense end!?
Hope that there is a Jesus:
Yea, we knew it was a lie. Remember when she said she was going to Texas for a while after her Australian tour, er, bar hopping was over.
I wonder WHY she missed her flight and WHY the lie about all flights are on "holiday" and canceled... you pointed out Fatty "there are flights coming in and out of countries all over Europe today, even in Italy". It so easy to check.
I can't wait to her what else she has to say about winning the lottery jackpot in London(enough to buy a jet) and a trip to Turkey. LMAO.
I touched on it in the last post
The hilarity of this is not lost on me.
All the years I have been going to London, and would have LOVED to be dealyed by days.
There is always a way to get you home. Even if it is on another airline, if you missed yours.
What kind of a slutty idiot misses flights BOTH WAYS???
Both ways. Lesson learned?? Dont be silly!!!
And clearly there was never any intention of Italy, or she would have missed her flight THERE not to LA.
Even I have a hard time keeping up with her lies. And I am reading it all!!!
Guess she could have gone to McQ's memorial service after all.
"Europe is on holiday"
How retarded do you have to be to even believe someone would buy that such a thing is possible??????
lmao what's up with that dudes MASSIVE forehead? He reminds me of coneheads.
heathrow is an airport not an airline
I live in Europe. Norway to be more specific. Nope... no holiday here. Don't know what the hell she is talking about. My brother-in-law is even flying out of Norway in 3 hours for Puerto Plata in the Dominican republic. No problem getting flights in and out of Europe today.
Doesn't she have european Tila army members? She should know better than to lie so blatantly to them.
I have to say that I'm superised that tila made it London in the first place, let alone her be able to afford Italy.
This is a whole bowl of funny.
Well, she's saying something about stopping in NYC now. She can't afford a non-stop ticket.
I can't believe how she lies about the dumbest things. It takes anyone with a couple brain cells to look up flights and book -even if, in her case, most her dendrites are blocked off from drug use. She has no travel agent. She has NO BRAIN.
I cannot stop laughing at her! I just can't. Why doesn't she go to her private island? LMFAO!!!! After all, she hasn't gone to visit her very own custom agents in awhile to say, "hi" to them.
What's even funnier is that her fans that ARE in Europe completely IGNORED Tila's obvious lie about Europe "being on vacation"... none of them popped up and said "Hey.... no we're not!" instead you just hear "You're the best!" "I love you!" "You're perfect!" *rolls eyes* Even that poor girl that traveled 6 hours round trip just to meet Tila isn't saying anything about it. Instead she thinks that she did something wrong to Tila and that's why she's not responding to her tweets anymore about the "meet up". I feel sorry for her fans, but I can't believe how things just don't click in their minds about Tila that it frustrates me to no end.
I have The Great Milenko from high school
The continent of North America is on holiday and doesn't fucking want her back until 2036. kthanxbai.
Europe is on holiday? Muahahahahaha
I live in Italy and sure things are slower in Summer, but not for tourism. Tourism is pretty big in July August in London/Paris/Florence....
Provided that you don't miss your flight and you have enough cash to book an expensive late ticket.
Besides, if she really wanted to go to Florence she could have taken the Eurostar train to Paris and then to Milan - Florence.
Anyway, I won't complain that she didn't tough Italian soil with her grubby feet...
*le sigh*
I love having an even playing field.
Warms my little black heart.
i am surprised she didn´t use that volcano excuse, she wouldn´t have made it to USA because of Eyjafjallajökull mountain lol!
btw i am in iceland andt there is flight in and out there.
no holiday here
From Tila's Twitter 5 hours ago:
"Yayyy finally made it on a freakin standby back to LA! I lost my first class ticket but I don't give a damn! Tired of stupid airports!"
She lost her first class ticket? ROTFLMAO! The bitch never had a first class ticket to start with.
Just wondering if she flies standby - that's why she "misses" her flights?
Mogul Power Utter Failure, Tila.
OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG! I cannot stop laughing! She puts the "twit" in twitter.
I'm NOT joking! Actual twit:
Yayyy finally made it on a freakin standby back to LA! I lost my first class ticket but I don't give a damn! Tired of stupid airports! about 6 hours ago via UberTwitter
HOLY EFFING Sh*t! She is so fricking predictable. How is it even possible for these fans to listen to this bullsh*t day after day, and still believe her?! They are truly brain-dead. I'm sorry.
Lost her first class ticket? If she could afford first class, she would have gone on vacation. She probably gave sexual favors to get a guest spot being a airline hostess. If there were 4th class seats, she'd be under them!
LOL there's no way she could enjoy life without a computer and a few teenagers telling her she's pretty. Florence just didn't have as much to offer, I guess! Also the teensy tiny detail that there's no way she could afford a weeks long vacation in Europe.
Yeah, and did she not think that all of her bazillion UK fans wouldn't call her on that? Hello, they actually live there, wouldn't they know if there was some kind of continent-wide holiday shutting down airports? She's truly an idiot, it amazes me! Great post, Fatty!
See I really do think she only flies standby! OR she really thinks that she is a celebrity who they will hold the flight for or usher onto another flight because of her super star status.
Now awaiting the excuse for not getting all the tattoos she bragged about. Lack of time? Or just fucking broke?
And the lies keep pouring in. UPDATE- Tila just tweeted that she finally made it on a standby flight back to L.A. because she lost her FIRST class plane ticket? BWA HA HA HA HA! I thought she said it was because Europe was on holiday? Awww, a day in a life of a lyin Hogul.
Tila tweets: "Yayyy finally made it on a freakin standby back to LA! I lost my first class ticket but I don't give a damn! Tired of stupid airports!"
she lost her first class ticket. Just in case anyone wonders why she's flying standby in a coach seat. It's not because she doesn't have the money. Uh-uh. See, she HAD a first class ticket. But she lost it. She can't get to an airport on time to SAVE HER LIFE. She can't tell time, she has no idea when she's supposed to be somewhere, can't hold onto a plane ticket... what a professional businesswoman she is. If 9Head wasn't holding her hand dragging her from place to place she'd never make it out the front door of her apartmansion.
I'm pretty sure if you "lose" a ticket they will re-print you one...
She's so incredibly stupid.
I am sitting here like a kid on Christmas Eve waiting for the "lotto winning" Rotspot post!
It's my favorite lie yet! She is seriously running out of material.
I didn't know there was a winning option of a "5 star trip to Turkey for 2". HAHA! Then she says she won "40 bucks". Last I checked one can't buy a jet with 40 bucks. Lastly, how do you win the lotto at the airport?
It's just too funny. I hate you Tila.
In this the age of electronic ticketing, how did she manage to "lose" hers? Even though she's obviously lying, I do believe she could have been moronic enough to lose her *boarding pass* somewhere between the terminal and the gate.
I know this is off-topic, but I've noticed that Perez Hilton has started interviewing celebrities on his blog.
So far I've seen Snookie but today or yesterday he put up an interview with Bruno Mars.
This has got to be killing Tila and her green screen. POOP-BAM-KABLOW
Hey, I have lost track, what's with the nic name "9head" I hear people call her that but I've never understood what the reference is?
apparently she's sharing all her lottery winnings with her BFF. i thought she didn't have any friends at all like, two days ago? oy to the vey.
Normally I love this site but this post seems pretty petty. So Tila isn't going to Florence. Who gives a shit? Why do you give s shit? I know she hasn't done much "wacky" stuff lately and has gotten boring but come on, you're taking apart her flight schedule? You can do better than this Rotspot!
DuckieGoRawr is delusional.
How is it that this skank is out promoting her "new" single when their is a video of her singing it in April of 2009?
It cannot be true that she missed the boarding time by one minute and was therefore not allowed on. By the time boarding is closed, all luggage is on the plane. If a passenger doesn't board and their luggage has, the plane can't leave. (It's a European edict called 'positive passenger bag matching') What they do is remove ALL luggage, find the bags for the missing person and remove them. They obviously want you at the gate on time, but if you show up shortly after, in most cases, they'd rather let you on the plane then have to unload and reload all the bags, which guarantees a late departure. They would have been paging both of them repeatedly, so it's not like they wouldn't have had a chance!
It makes sense that she may have actually had a first class ticket this time, since she didn't buy the ticket--I'm thinking it was purchased by one of the huge venues she filled up on her tour. And instead of buying a new ticket to get home, or paying a few bucks for confirmed standby, bitch just took her chances by sitting at the airport for a flight that may or may not have been able to accomodate her.
This just in from our genius mogul's twitter:
I don't even know where to start with this. I fly about twice a month, and have had my luggage damaged one time. On a sidenote, I can say that any time I have missed a flight of which I have missed, it was my own goddamn fault for being late to the airport, and I was lucky to have the airline put me on another flight. Anyway, so the mogul believes she's going to "sue" the airline, just like she sued the jeliz haterz, Shawne Merriman and everyone who ever called her out on her fake pregnancies. I'll pull up a chair for this one--anyone who has ever lost luggage knows that the airline is only liable for lost luggage up to a certain amount--a small amount, I might say. Not only that, if you have a claim for luggage, you have to actually PROVE the value of the luggage. So shit given to you for free (or that you stole) from a shoot? Yeah, good luck providing receipts for that.
I hope that the mogul's luggage is found. I would hate for her to not be able to repeat every outfit she displayed on her "tour", especially the majorette's blue diaper onesie. That piece alone is priceless.
"Lost" her first class ticket? I've been flying for many years and I think the last time I had a paper ticket which could be lost, was maybe 10 years ago. Today, as most adults would know, all airlines issue "e-tickets". Just got to prove it's you to board.
Wow, this is odd! Why would she lie about something so EASY to figure out!? She even KNEW that one fan went out to MEET her!!! She saw her TWEETS!!!!! She HAD to know people would call her out immediately on this, including the Rotspot. She truly is unbelievable! HA!
*Yeah that's right Tila, take another hit! Pffft. Girl reallly needs to lay that pipe down now!
Sounds like some bitch does follow vigorously the blog that reveals her pathological lyings she has given us.
@Mark - the name "9Head" refers to Mr. Bradshaw. Since his forehead (4-head) is so epically large it deserves a much higher designation. (and if I've been wrong all this time about the term
9Head please let me know!) LOL
I'd like to give a huge smoochy woochy thank you to all you commenters, I get many a lol from what you post (and ideas for new posts!).
Julie, this post is more about Tila lying about ALL of Europe taking a 4 day transportation holiday. No flights in or out of Europe. C'mon, that shit is gold to me! Why lie about something so stupid and so easily refuted? I have to admit, Tila has a creativity about her lies that is amusing in itself, but damn, how stupid does she think her Army is?
Have you noticed since the big SUICIDE HOAX Tila's crazy train seems to be in check? There's a reason for that, and I believe it's because she's knows if she pulls those kinds of shenanigans we'll bust her on it and it won't just be a blog post. She can scream self-harm or suicide all she wants, I'll be the first to call for help. She knows that. I imagine when the cops caught up with her, she was basically given a choice: jail or 5150. You don't cause that much drama and inconvenience to rescue personnel without repercussions.
So now she's left with lying about non-existent European holidays. There's no harm to anyone, and to me, that's a damn good thing, considering all the harm she's done in the past.
Very true Fatty, good work! You all do such amazing shit here! I truly am thrilled to have you all back!! *GROUP HUGS* ☺